Experts in digital transformation and specialised resourcing.

We transformed into a boutique recruiting partner to help you transform into...whatever makes you amazing. was founded by Christopher Wright, a veteran in the technology recruiting space. For over 15 years he was enabling enterprises of all sizes to find the people they needed to make their propositions go from strength to strength.

Under the brand name ResourceFlow, all was going well... amazingly, in fact. But as time went by, it became obvious that too many recruitment companies were doing the same thing - the market was crowded and it was time to transform the business model. We now provide a more consultative approach, with a superior offering – resources we affectionately call Rockstars – the pinnacle of talented tech and business process professionals.
Businesses love the way we do things
They see the value in our boutique set-up, and the way we help them to realise the resources they need to transform their enterprises. They like the fact that our professionalism is on par with the big-4 transformation agencies, and appreciate the cost-savings and personal touch they get from us.

But above all, they love the way we have an established network of some of the most incredible tech professionals in the world. A network that has taken years to build, with relationships built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect.

We are here to plug the gaps in your knowledge, take control of your tech resourcing, and provide the bespoke reporting lines you need to aid your digital deliveries. In short, we provide the best in people, focussing on accelerating or optimising digital transformation projects, with a core focus on data engineering, AI, data science, CICD, dev ops and decision-making engines.

Speak to one of our consultants today, and learn how we can help you achieve the transformation you need to make you amazing.

Excellence is a work in progress.

We have to be critical of ourselves in order to grow and move forward
Self-love and self-praise seem to be on trend in today’s society. Not just for us as individuals, but for organisations and groups too. We beg to differ. That’s not to say that we are not proud of our achievements – we are – very proud, in fact.

But we believe in order to grow, develop and move forward in an ever-changing business landscape, we need to constantly look deep within ourselves to nurture the attributes that make us great, and edit out the ones that make us not so great.

It’s a philosophy that helps us to keep in check with our overall mission and plans for the future of

• Always pursue new ways to provide excellence to our clients.
• Never be satisfied with our offer, no matter how much praise we receive.
• Strive to be the very best tech recruiting partner in Europe.
• Benchmark our success against giants in the industry.
• Take criticism as tough love, never as a reason to become defensive.
• See excellence as something that’s always ‘just out of reach’.

Along with our values, our mission is our guiding star. It’s the heartbeat of our organisation, and without that focus we wouldn’t be able to achieve the things we’ve worked hard for.

If this way of thinking resonates with you, that’s an incredible place to start a business relationship. It’s also one of the things we look for when working with other companies.

Let’s discuss your mission for the future, and see how we can work with you to achieve it. Speak to one of our consultants today.

The heartbeat of our pursuit for excellence.  

Our values help to create greater value for those we serve
We believe that values are what drives a conscientious organisation. They provide the navigation to go from strength to strength in terms of growth, and sow the seeds of trust with those we work with.

Our people are our values. Without these shared set of ethics, we wouldn’t be able to pursue the excellence we strive to achieve every day. Not only that, we wouldn’t be able to provide the right professionals and add greater value to the people we serve.

Along with our passionate mission, here’s what we believe in:

• Be loyal to those that work for us, and with us.
• Show compassion to those that we may not always agree with.
• Always see an issue from multiple points of view before making a final decision.
• Always be honest, no matter how painful it may be to either party.
• Never be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

As a dedicated recruiting partner and transformation consultancy, we believe that we have a moral responsibility to our customers. And part of that responsibility is about helping them to become even better at what they do.

If you like the sound of our approach to business, or are just interested to know how we can help your organisation meet its transformation challenges, arrange to speak with one of our consultants today.

Get in touch. We’re here for the longevity and success of your organisation.